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Download CodeToTrade App

Download the zip file from CodeToTrade Download page.


  1. Unzip andRun codetotrade-pro.exe App cmd
  2. Go to localhost:8080 to use the app App Screenshot


  1. Unzip and Go to the folder

    chmod +x codetotrade-pro
    You may need to allow the app in the security settings of your mac.

  2. Go to localhost:8080 to use the app


  1. Unzip and Go to the folder
    chmod +x codetotrade-pro
  2. Go to localhost:8080 to use the app


  1. Install Docker
  2. Run the following command to start the app
    docker run -p 8080:8080 -v .:/home/codetotrade/.codetotrade -d codetotrade/codetotrade-pro
  3. Go to localhost:8080 to use the app