Bar is a candle . That include start time, end time, open, high, low, close price and volume.
"open": 10000,
"high": 10000,
"low": 10000,
"close": 10000,
"volume": 10000,
"startTime": "2024-01-01 00:00:00",
"endTime": "2024-01-01 00:05:00",
Bar series
Bar series is an object contain a list of bar and methods to access the bar by index .
TradeMetaData is an object contain trade information.
"price": 10000,
"amount": 0.1,
"takeProfitPrice": 12000,
"takeStopLossPrice": 8000,
"tradeLog": "5", # You can log any information to tracking the trade
"waitingMinutes": 30, # waiting time before cancel order (Limit order only)
"onlinePayload": {
"order_id": "1234567890" # order id from exchange ( real trading only)
Chart is an object contain list of plot and it's metadata that help you visualize the indicators into the trade report. We support 2 chart types:
- Overlay: The chart will be display in the candle chart.
- Non-Overlay: The chart will be display in the separate panel.
"isOverlay": true,
"name": "RSI",
"backgroundColor": "#000000",
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"plotList": [
Plot is an object contain the values of the indicator and it's metadata. We support 2 types of plot:
Line: The plot will be display as a line chart.
Column: The plot will be display as a column chart (histogram chart).